Posts tagged with "non-formal learning"
Challenges and recommendations in Croatia
Following the adaptation of the new Adult Education Act, the education providers in Croatia may find complying with new regulations challenging. However, it is still not clear how the new Act will change the status quo for non-formal adult educati...
Challenges and recommendations in France
Due to the changes in the government, adult education providers and training centres will have to adapt to the new regulations. The new VET standards pose a bigger threat to smaller organisations whose audience and funding are already limited.
Challenges and recommendations in Germany
There could be significant consequences for adult education providers as a result of the implementation of a tax reform, which could cause an increase in the cost of educational offers for participants by alm...
Challenges and recommendations in Ireland
AONTAS, an EAEA member from Ireland, suggests that the government addresses the need to create a recognised and accepted system for measuring the outcomes of non-formal education, specifically community education in Ireland.
Challenges and recommendations in Lithuania
The programme for strengthening non-formal adult education and continuing training for 2016-2023 set a goal of achieving 12% of the adult population involved in learning by 2023. For the following years, shifting the remaining 6% to 12% will conti...
Challenges and recommendations in Norway
The main challenge for the field of adult education in Norway at present is finding funds to finance governmental, and local, initiatives to strengthen the development and outreach of Skills policies. There is a need to widen the scope of educatio...
The Republic of North Macedonia introduction
In the past year, the financial stability of non-formal adult education providers in the Republic of North Macedonia has been shaken by budgetary cuts, which pose a threat to the quality, and quantity of learning opportunities. Nonetheless, adult...
Recent developments in the Republic of North Macedonia
Recently, North Macedonia set up a national database of providers of non-formal adult education, established by the Public Institution of Adult Education Centre. This database is public, and available on the centre’s official website:
Developing a culture of learning in Dutch society and promoting lifelong learning are on the agendas of state and non-governmental institutions in the Netherlands. The current decentralised system of education in the country works in support of st...
The EAEA members in Romania report a number of recent developments in the sphere of adult education, especially concerning prison education. In that regard, a new national strategy for the social reintegration of inmates has been implemented, this...
The Netherlands introduction
Recent developments in Romania